The path to a significantly extended lifespan starts from education. That means biochemistry, nutrition, anatomy, etc… These are indeed hard, time consuming, and frustrating, but with effort you should have a good idea of at least the foundations of the proper lifestyle within months.
These months will be generously repaid with indefinite years down the line, so it is well worth the time to study.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Learn Genetics (University of Utah)

Genetic Science Learning Center


Cawthon's study found that when people are divided into two groups based on telomere lengths, the half with longer telomeres lives five years longer than those with shorter telomeres. That suggests lifespan could be increased five years by increasing the length of telomeres in people with shorter ones.

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Sunday, 22 August 2010

Personal Genome Project

"We believe individuals from the general public have a vital role to play in making personal genomes useful. We are recruiting volunteers who are willing to share their genome sequence and many types of personal information with the research community and the general public, so that together we will be better able to advance our understanding of genetic and environmental contributions to human traits and to improve our ability to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness. Learn more about how to participate in the Personal Genome Project."


Monday, 16 August 2010

Liver Flush

Liver Flush

The Proven Cure and Prevention for Cancer the Medical Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know (Part I)

The Proven Cure and Prevention for Cancer the Medical Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know (Part I)

When and How Does the Decay of Your Immune System Start?

Evolution is a harsh but efficient mistress; you can consider yourself surprisingly well optimised as a piece of machinery, but your warranty only goes so far as the number of years in which your recent ancestors contributed to the success of their offspring. After that, you're on your own - biochemical processes unwind and break down free from any past selective pressure to do better.

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The Coming Health Revolution

The Coming Health Revolution